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Conceived and created by Kaneza Schaal and Christopher Myers

Directed by Kaneza Schaal

Written and designed by Christopher Myers

Produced by ArKtype / Thomas O. Kriegsmann

7:30 pm Thursday, October 14, 2021

Eisenhower Auditorium

Adult $38; University Park Student $15; 18 and Younger $28


“Cartography” is “a multimedia work inspired by migrants’ stories, presents their journeys as universal and heroic, not merely tales of suffering,” writes a New York Times reviewer.

It’s a performance rooted in the commonalities of migration and the metaphorical mapping at the center of worlds in motion. The show, featuring a half dozen young actors, integrates multiple mediums to reflect the technological hybridity of our everyday lives.

Visual tools, such as map-making and inventory, meet performance tools, like filmmaking and dancing. Sculptures create a catalogue of both interior and exterior journeys. Sound sensor technology responds to the timber of actors’ voices and a virtual storm is activated. Cellphones are used to mark memories — the distances we have traveled.

“Cartography” invites audiences to examine their own lives and the maps we all have yet to draw.

After the performance, the show’s director and co-creator Kaneza Schaal and cast members will engage in a moderated discussion with interested audience members.