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The Bible says, “God is love” (I John 4:8), and Christ Jesus showed us how this divine Love heals. We yearn to really feel God’s love in our lives. Yet, many sincere and faithful people say that they have trouble feeling this love, or don’t know how to feel it on a regular basis. How can we get past an intellectual grasp of our relationship to God, and feel His love, which, in turn, leads to healing and enables us to express love toward others? And what role does the Christ play? Join us for this chat, when we’ll be exploring this essential topic.

About Chet Manchester: Chet has a great love for creativity, people, and cultures. He’s lived and worked as a creative director in places such as Kenya, France, and on both coasts of the United States. He’s developed new ways to involve youth in the Christian Science movement worldwide, and has also served as President of The Mother Church. Chet is a practitioner, teacher, and lecturer of Christian Science, currently living in King Ferry, New York.