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Time is Out of Joint

Join us for an intimate 90-minute Hamlet as we visit his memories, nightmares, and imagination in the final moments of his death. Do our lives flash before our eyes at the moment of our death? What do we remember, what do we choose to forget? How long may one be gone before they may “properly be forgot?” Perception, honor, regret, betrayal, and, most importantly, love – This is Hamlet.

“The test of love is vengeance: but love must be kept alive by memory: Remember Me.”

adapted and directed by Cynthia Mazzant
with Hilary Appelman, Elizabeth Baptista, Drew Pirrone-Brusse, Jessica Karp, Evan Marcinkevage, Cynthia Mazzant, Elaine Meder-Wilgus, Mary Rose Valentine, Laura Waldhier, and Michael Waldhier

Saturday, July 13, 7:30pm
Sunday, July 14 3pm
at Tempest Studios
140 Kelly Alley
(underneath the Fraser Street Garage)
$10 General Admission

sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts