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The SCASD FIT (Family Intervention Team) will facilitate a five-
week training on Restorative Practices. In weeks 1-3, parents will
learn strategies to build and maintain strong healthy relationships
with their spouses, children, families, and even colleagues.
Interactive experiences bring you to a full understanding of the
fundamental unifying premise of restorative practices—that
people are happier, more cooperative and productive, and
more likely to make positive changes in their lives when those in
positions of authority do things with them rather than to them or
for them.
Weeks 4-5 will focus on “Using Circles Effectively”. Circles
facilitate conversation and encourage full participation to help
promote truly meaningful communication. Through video,
practice, and discussion, participants identify reliable methods for
using circles to build community and address family behaviors and
relationships. The skills that will be taught can be used in all
settings and with all relationships.
Program dates: Thursdays, February 2, 9, 16, 23, & March 2 from
Please feel free to bring a lunch to enjoy during the session. Please register
for each week individually. Registration required. Limit: 16.