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Join us for June Sips at Doggie’s Pub as we take advantage of the summer weather in the Beer Garden at one of downtown State College’s favorite locations.
THIS IS AN OPEN EVENT – no invite needed, just show up!
About Sips:
Sips is a chance for you to network with new folks, catch up with old friends, and learn about the many upcoming SCYP events (there’s always loads!). Bring your friends or co-workers with you, it’s a great time for all.
Not a member? Just want to test drive SCYP for a night? Stop on by! Non-members may attend Sips for $8. Participate in a Sips and you’ll get a chance to meet with current members, board members, and see what SCYP can offer you. By the end of Sips if you would like to become a member, you may apply your $8 to the cost of your membership!
Card-carrying SCYP members get in free to our monthly Sips events and enjoy many perks throughout the year. To become a member, visit our check-in table or sign up online here: https://checkout.square.site/buy/T4SB2NWHDMCPBK4XVBLYTNZM