Centre LGBT+ will open their first physical location Sept. 10. The local non-profit has been a prominent voice in the State College community for years, with the mission of bringing the community together through LGBT+ education, advocacy, and activities in the Centre region.

Centre LGBT+’s grand opening will take place from 3-6 p.m. Sept. 10 at their new location 204 E Calder Way, Suite 304 in Downtown State College. The celebration will include music, poetry, gifts and more.

Centre LGBT+ was founded in August 2014 when a group of community members came together to discuss how to prevent LGBT+ suicides in the area. The group decided to create a grassroots organization centered around enhancing the lives of LGBT+ members and their families and friends.

The organization started with open-mic nights at Webster’s Bookstore Café and a community fair. Since then, the organization has grown in response to the community members’ requests and needs. Teenagers asked for activities – and the annual True to You youth summit was born. The ongoing Bring Your Own Queer (BYOQ) youth group followed. People asked for support groups – and Centre LGBT+ offered two – one for LGBT+ and one for loved ones of LGBT+. Drag Bingo was added, the Gayla party, movie nights, wig/makeup workshops, the “out of the closet” clothing closet, and much more.

The organization has also partnered with other local organizations such as the 3/20 Coalition, Jana Marie Foundation, Centre Safe, Good Day Café, Centre County PAWS, Out of the Cold, and LGBT+ affirming faith communities.

The organization offers a range of services such as linking the LGBT+ community members to resources, support, social groups, and activities, providing LGBT+ education to reduce discrimination and promote a more equitable community and working collaboratively with other organizations to widen the benefits they provide.

Centre LGBT+ Executive Director Cat Cook is one of many organization members excited to be moving into a physical location. “I feel that most importantly it will benefit the LGBT+ community we proudly serve,” said Cook.

“Having a physical location was always a dream of ours with the ultimate goal of providing an affirming and “radically welcoming” space for the community,” Cook said. “The ability to offer an inclusive space where the LGBT+ community can come and be themselves without worry or fear of judgement and be present in a place where they are celebrated and uplifted can have a lasting effect.”

“I am hopeful that our Center will become the HUB for LGBT+ folks and their families. Seeing the youth and adults we serve smile knowing that when they enter our doors they can feel like they have arrived at their second home and can enjoy the space that was created for them with love,” said Cook.

Cook’s favorite experience while working for Centre LGBT+ was working on State College Pride. “Celebrating Pride with the community that continues to support our work and that really shows up for the LGBT+ community makes me incredibly proud to be a part of it and get to see firsthand the happiness this bring to everyone,” she said.

Centre LGBT+ has many volunteer opportunities for students to get involved. Currently, they are seeking members for their committees: Events, Advocacy, PR/Marketing, Pride and DEIB. The organization is also seeking volunteers to assist with after school drop-ins and help the youth with their homework, play games, and welcome them in.

If you are interested in volunteering for Centre LGBT+, visit their website and click “Volunteer.”