July First Friday was up-beat and entertaining.  First Friday made the cloudy day enjoyable and was the perfect outing for the family.  This First Friday also gave us a sneak peek into the art we will be seeing at Arts Fest.

To take you to your first destination Vamos! Lion Chariot was there for you!  The Lion Chariot was giving out rides all night.  You could’ve jumped in and gotten a relaxing tour of State College.

The Art Alliance Downtown Gallery gave us a glimpse of their show, Square.  Square is a display that features hundreds of 6-inch square artwork by local artists.  They gave you the opportunity to see all the art and make a wish-list of ones you might want to buy during the big opening event on July 10th from 6-9PM.  Once you buy a square you find out who created the piece.  These amazing squares were a mix of medias, some were photos, paintings or collages.

MLK Plaza was bumping with Kristi Jean & Her Ne’er-Do-Wells.  They had everyone on their feet dancing with their cheerful Rockabilly beats.

The Expect More Store presented Images 2019, which blew us all away.  The exhibit featured sixty pieces that were chosen from 334 works by Dr. Egan.  The artwork was a collection of beautiful drawings, paintings, mixed media, photography, hand-pulled prints, watercolors and digital art.

Chris Good lit up Allen Street with his classic rock music.  He had everyone jamming with some 90s rock and his own original pieces.

If you popped over to Woskob Family Gallery you were able to print your own unique image with leaves and flowers.  While the kids created images adults were able to look at the fascinating art or discover alternative photography techniques.

The Makery hosted Happy Valley Improv and they performed some hilarious skits.  They had everyone laughing with their improv scenes about working out and so much more.  It was the perfect way to end First Friday with the family.

Thank you to all the businesses and participants who make the monthly First Friday events enjoyable for everyone. As always, take a look at some of our favorite photos from the event. We look forward to seeing new and familiar faces on August First Friday, happening throughout downtown August 2nd.